
Blog - How To Ditch Disposable Plastic Bags

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How To Ditch Disposable Plastic Bags

2018 is set to be a huge year in the effort to reduce disposable plastic waste, with a major push by government, supermarkets and councils to ban disposable plastic bags and waste. However, in light of this and news that household recycling is at risk following China’s ban on imported recyclables, there’s never been a more important time to revisit ways we can all reduce and reuse to help eliminate waste in our communities. Here are some practical tips to stop using single-use plastic bags and to minimise waste at home and when shopping. 

Tip 1

Try not to buy products in plastic packaging.

Choose a lettuce, tomatoes, fruit and veg without plastic packaging instead of the packaged alternative. Take your own lightweight stainless steel containers to the deli counter or butcher. Try bulk food shopping for key foods and ingredients and use reusable bags and non-plastic containers for storage. It can also be a great way to save some money.

Tip 2

Use reusable shopping bags or baskets

Bring your own shopping bags. There are plenty of options available including super compact reusable bags that take little room in your handbag, car’s glovebox, or briefcase. Immediately after unpacking your groceries, re-pack your reusable bags so they’re ready for your next shop.

Tip 3

Use reusable fruit & vege bags

Skip the single-use plastic bag when buying a few apples. If you need a bag, try a reusable produce bag instead, they are lightweight and super compact making it easy to carry.

Tip 4

Compost your fruit and vegetable scraps and bio-degradable products

Divert fruit, veges, paper, cardboard, biodegradable sponges, biodegradable baking paper and other products from your waste bin and place into compost. And in the process create a rich source of nutrients for your garden and reduce methane.

Tip 5

Stop using plastic bin liners

Instead of using plastic shopping bags or plastic bags as bin liners, scrap them altogether. Revert back to past generations methods applied before plastic shopping bags became mainstream in the 1960s. How? Throw loose waste in the bin and wash it out when needed. Reuse something you already have in your rubbish bin to wrap wet stuff – like old newspaper, milk cartons, or packaging from frozen goods for example. Or try making your own newspaper bin liner as shown here:



Some key dates to remember and prepare for:
1 Jul '18 - QLD/WA retailers stop using single-use plastic bags
1 Jul '18 - Coles bans single-use plastic bags Australia-wide
1 Jul '18 - Woolworths bans single-use plastic bags Australia-wide
1 Jul '18 - IGA bans single-use plastic bags Australia-wide
1 Jan '19 - Woolworths stops selling plastic straws